Wednesday, April 13, 2011

GoOd sTuff

Since having Judah my husband I have really started to think more about what we eat, where it comes from, what we use on our bodies, where it is made, who it affects, what's in it?!

I want to start photo journaling some of the things we are doing to make our lives healthier and hopefully inspire a few people along the way. This will just be one of the many things I will keep up with on here :)

We started out thinking about what we eat and from there it has seriously led from one thing to the next this past year...

Just a short bit about how we have changed our eating: LOCAL first and foremost (when possible), organic & sustainable, fair trade and homegrown (when possible). We have signed up for our first vegetable CSA starting in early June through Westridge Farm. I am SO excited to share that experience with you when it starts! We have also selected only a few grocery stores that we are shopping at, first the Willie Street Coop, then Trader Joe's and on occasion Metcalfe's. Willie Street Coop has a LOT of great local options as well as Metcalfes, and Trader Joe's has a no artificial ingredient, no preservative, no high fructose corn syrup policy. It is so much easier to shop when you know that most or all of the products fall under what you (don't) want in your food. The biggest thing we have decided to be strict about is eating ONLY local meat...and it's sure not easy.It's expensive and hard to find. But, in our opinion very important. We want to know where our meat is coming from.

There is so much more to say about food, but that is just a little of the basics that have got us going.

Anyway, since we started thinking about food I have started thinking about what else we put in our bodies or ON our bodies...I raided our bathroom and researched ALL of the products we use on a daily basis...shampoo, body wash, soap, toothpaste, ect. I was totally horrified at what I found out. YUCK. There is SO much scary (cancer causing) stuff in the things we use everyday and I never ever thought twice about it. Since then I have done more research on lots of products: what is safe, what is fair trade, what is affordable? There are actuallya lot of options out there! I did a little photo journal of a few of my favorite new products that you might be interested in as well :)

For Judah:

Every Day Shea Wash & Lotion- This stuff is AMAZING! Not only is it certified fair trade, all natural, biodegradable, & paraben free...It supports an incredible Community Empowerment program in West Africa. 10% of all sale go towards community projects, maternal health care & reforestation/environment projects! And it leaves Judah super soft & sweet :)

For the mamas & the papas:

Burt's Bees Citrus Facial Scrub- I picked up this little beauty at a small health & beauty store on State Street. It is ammmmazing! Leaves my skin SO soft. It is all natural, smells delicious and if you get hungry you COULD eat it...but probably wouldn't taste as good as it smells :)

Trader Joe's Spa Cleanser & Lotion: It's natural, it comes in a pretty bottle :), and best of all it is SO afforable at $2.99/ bottle!

Desert Essence Organic JoJoba Oil: I am addicted to this stuff! It is great for your skin & hair, SUPER moisturizing. I also like to use Vitamin E oil on my skin. I can't decide which I like better...I just know I feel good about putting both of them on!

Thank you so much for reading :) I hope to share more about what I am learning through my pictures! I don't intend to tell YOU what to do, I just want to share what I have decided to do for myself & my family. I just think it is fun & interesting to hear what others are doing and share what I am, please comment or if you have questions don't be afraid to ask :) I am NOT an expert, I am just a mama & photographer trying to find out what is best for my family.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, Sarah! George and I also use Everyday Shea. Isn't it terrific?! I'll have to look into the Trader Joe's cleanser and lotion. It sounds like a great product at an incredible price. I currently use Aubrey Organics facial care products. They are great but quite expensive. You might be interested in I buy most of my natural skin care and supplements there. I know it's not local but they have great prices and a lot of things that I can't find anywhere else.
